
YIG "Your Insurance Group"

Senior Life Services Vero Beach Fla

Senior Life Services Vero Beach Fla

Providing Certificate List to Ex Insured

SSDI, Offered Medicare, Refused

Going from a General Agent to Either a MGA/IMO/FMO

Evia the Virtual Auto Insurance Agent

IUL, and Future Withdrawals

Any Hope For: T65, $500k Life, Neuropathy, Pre-diabetic, Drinks 3-5 Beers/day

Zenefits: Lies, Booze, and Billions

Your Insurance Office- Converting Database

Pulmozyme for CF

I Could Use Some Help Here

Medicare Surprises and Complaints

Directmail Card with Face Amount Options

Have SC BCBS Commissions Been Paid to You?

SC BCBS Commissions - Were They Paid to You Yeet for the 2016 Enrollment?

Great big thank you!!!!

United Heritage $25,000, 85-Year Old Client, Contestable Claim Update