
Check my Numbers: Cold Call for PC

"Fed Employee" All Group Term?

Medicare Advantage Turning 65 Leads

Issues Making Appointments

Leavitt Group Tracking Thread. Discuss Leavitt News and Insight.

Independent Agent's Carriers Are Often Contracting with Competitors of Independent Agents.

Are Daviso's Leads Worth It?

Prepare for the 2016 Medicare Advantage and Part D Selling Season Today

Are You Ready for the 2016 AEP and Exchanges Open Enrollment?

33yr Old Just Had a Heart Attack...

Are You COMPLIANT? Here is How to Avoid ACA Penalties and Fines

Xxx aep 2015-2016 xxx

Are You COMPLIANT? Here is How to Avoid ACA Penalties and Fines

Ranexa - who Gives Level?

Is the Street Rate for Term Policies 70-75% Commission with No Renewals?

Assurant Finalizing Sale of the Supplemental Coverage Products

Production Report when Working with Wholesalers or MGAs

New to the Forum from Georgia

New to the Forum from Georgia

Which Insurance Company Do You Find is Most Fair with Underwriting?

Another Transamerica FYI

Rental Loss Denied ? Safeco BS

Door Knocking a Lead with No Number

Tough Case NC Aetna Declined


I Need Advice! What Should my Next Move Be?