Family Guy had an episode where Peter hosted a TV news segment called "You know what Grinds my Gears" and so I simply am opening a thread with the title based on insurance. Quick story to get this off my chest.
-Fellow from Network Group asks for insurance help. I run many quotes showing to insure the property right anywhere from $3k-$5k with several carriers deeming the property ineligible, I also include a policy from Olympus for around $2k that will do the job...
-Not long after submitting I get a little email saying that I'm actually in major competition(aren't we always?) and that
Source of
-Fellow from Network Group asks for insurance help. I run many quotes showing to insure the property right anywhere from $3k-$5k with several carriers deeming the property ineligible, I also include a policy from Olympus for around $2k that will do the job...
-Not long after submitting I get a little email saying that I'm actually in major competition(aren't we always?) and that
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