If a General Agent provides office space, phones, leads, etc for his/her licensed agents, are they W-2 or 1099?
What if the GA is the writing agent of record, takes a cut of the agent comp, collects bonus and trips earned by the phone room agent? Does that change the agent status (1099 vs W-2)?
When I started in the business my GA was a carrier employee. Office space, etc was paid for by the carrier. The difference was he was not the WA, I was. Any trips, bonuses, etc were mine, not his.
Source of insurance-forums.net
What if the GA is the writing agent of record, takes a cut of the agent comp, collects bonus and trips earned by the phone room agent? Does that change the agent status (1099 vs W-2)?
When I started in the business my GA was a carrier employee. Office space, etc was paid for by the carrier. The difference was he was not the WA, I was. Any trips, bonuses, etc were mine, not his.
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