68, Female, 5'-1", 125 lbs., Non Smoker
Has 50K, she thought she had Columbus Life, $116 mo., took it out 1 year ago
Premarin-To treat symptoms of menopause
Ritampin-Prevent TB. She takes this for 3 months only. I guess she doesn't have TB but maybe a small amount of the bacteria is present. She didn't explain this too well and I am not familiar with this treatment.
I can't call an FMO right now so I'll see if anybody can help here.
She didn't know exactly what she had and I was on the phone with her. Not familiar with Columbus Life, I assume she has a term
Source of insurance-forums.net
Has 50K, she thought she had Columbus Life, $116 mo., took it out 1 year ago
Premarin-To treat symptoms of menopause
Ritampin-Prevent TB. She takes this for 3 months only. I guess she doesn't have TB but maybe a small amount of the bacteria is present. She didn't explain this too well and I am not familiar with this treatment.
I can't call an FMO right now so I'll see if anybody can help here.
She didn't know exactly what she had and I was on the phone with her. Not familiar with Columbus Life, I assume she has a term
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