I use CSG and apparently gave out wrong rates b/c I didn't double check them.
I ran a quote for UHC's Plan G here in OH and while the initial quote is right ($2 discount automatically factored), it messed up the household discount.
Rarely do I ever quote with household discount, but the prospect wanted quotes with it factored since his wife is also T65 - so I took the lazy way out and clicked apply discounts and e-mailed the #'s.
For Plan N, it quotes $94.96 but when discounts apply it goes to $87.38
Same with G - it's also off. It quotes 116.40 then 107.15 with disco
Source of
I use CSG and apparently gave out wrong rates b/c I didn't double check them.
I ran a quote for UHC's Plan G here in OH and while the initial quote is right ($2 discount automatically factored), it messed up the household discount.
Rarely do I ever quote with household discount, but the prospect wanted quotes with it factored since his wife is also T65 - so I took the lazy way out and clicked apply discounts and e-mailed the #'s.
For Plan N, it quotes $94.96 but when discounts apply it goes to $87.38
Same with G - it's also off. It quotes 116.40 then 107.15 with disco
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