I have a client who needs business insurance. They have a can and Bottle Redemption Company. They do not have any machinery, they sort by hand.
They have vehicles to drive and pick up all the cans businesses have collected for them.
And they need workers comp insurance to cover their employees.
I cannot find a single company that will take them on. The company they were with chose to drop them because they no longer want to cover that risk anymore.
They have ZERO losses for the past 20 years. I spoke to the previous company and they told me they no longer want to insure this typ
Source of insurance-forums.net
They have vehicles to drive and pick up all the cans businesses have collected for them.
And they need workers comp insurance to cover their employees.
I cannot find a single company that will take them on. The company they were with chose to drop them because they no longer want to cover that risk anymore.
They have ZERO losses for the past 20 years. I spoke to the previous company and they told me they no longer want to insure this typ
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