We are discouraged from enrolling individuals during SEP because most carriers will not pay us comissions. With many states not haveing any carriers in the market for 2018 what options are available to agents?
I recently ran across two options that I am now offering and making money.
A health sharing plan that pays commissions. An MEC plan that provides preventive care covered 100% and gives discounts for medical treatment at a very reasonable cost and is ACA compliant. This MEC plan can be sold outside an employer group.
I have sold this to individuals not working, outside of open enrol
Source of insurance-forums.net
I recently ran across two options that I am now offering and making money.
A health sharing plan that pays commissions. An MEC plan that provides preventive care covered 100% and gives discounts for medical treatment at a very reasonable cost and is ACA compliant. This MEC plan can be sold outside an employer group.
I have sold this to individuals not working, outside of open enrol
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