Hey folks! I have a question basically about buying car insurance while simultaneously buying my first car.
I only recently got my driver's license somewhat late in the game (I'm 23) and am planning to buy a car in the next couple of weeks. I'm not exactly sure how to go about buying insurance - I can't drive the car home without insurance but I can't buy insurance before I know what car I've bought. How is this normally done? Does one buy the car and then buy insurance on the spot at the dealership? Buy non-ownership insurance and then transfer it once you buy a car? Does it make sense/is
Source of insurance-forums.net
I only recently got my driver's license somewhat late in the game (I'm 23) and am planning to buy a car in the next couple of weeks. I'm not exactly sure how to go about buying insurance - I can't drive the car home without insurance but I can't buy insurance before I know what car I've bought. How is this normally done? Does one buy the car and then buy insurance on the spot at the dealership? Buy non-ownership insurance and then transfer it once you buy a car? Does it make sense/is
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