I see many people have tried a seminar for FE but I'm wondering if anyone has had luck gathering P&C leads via seminar?
My interest in this piqued when I took a speech class last semester (I'm 33 but trying to finish up my degree) and I did a 15 minute speech on "Dissecting a Michigan Auto Insurance Policy".
I thought it would bomb but I know auto insurance in/out/sideways so people started asking tons of questions and I realized that people don't know jack about auto insurance. I really enjoyed answering their questions from a position of expertise and by the end of my class I was appro
Source of insurance-forums.net
My interest in this piqued when I took a speech class last semester (I'm 33 but trying to finish up my degree) and I did a 15 minute speech on "Dissecting a Michigan Auto Insurance Policy".
I thought it would bomb but I know auto insurance in/out/sideways so people started asking tons of questions and I realized that people don't know jack about auto insurance. I really enjoyed answering their questions from a position of expertise and by the end of my class I was appro
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