Wife asking if husband (67, Medicare B for 18 months) can change plans.
Had Hep C since his 20's. Four years ago took Sovaldi for 12 weeks. Tested negative for C for the last 3 years.
Some underwriting guides (BFL in particular) list Sovaldi on their DQ list "if taking". He stopped taking it almost 4 years ago so the answer is no but it will show up on his Rx history.
Any idea how carriers view this situation?
I can and will ask BFL but wanted to see if any of you have run into this before and which carriers consider Sovaldi a cure or do they consider you have a damaged liver and w
Source of insurance-forums.net
Had Hep C since his 20's. Four years ago took Sovaldi for 12 weeks. Tested negative for C for the last 3 years.
Some underwriting guides (BFL in particular) list Sovaldi on their DQ list "if taking". He stopped taking it almost 4 years ago so the answer is no but it will show up on his Rx history.
Any idea how carriers view this situation?
I can and will ask BFL but wanted to see if any of you have run into this before and which carriers consider Sovaldi a cure or do they consider you have a damaged liver and w
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