I don't know if this is the right place but my website provider does my newsletter so I am guessing this is a good a place as any
I sell medicare and I am good on the phone but not great with writing, I have my newsletter done by my website provider and I am just not sure if they type of articles included in my newsletter are what should be there, I am a novice at this and maybe my feeling on this is incorrect and that is why I am asking here
Now I sell medicare But my newsletter this month includes articles like Tips for preparing for a flood (that talks a little about flood ins) sprin
Content of insurance-forums.net
I sell medicare and I am good on the phone but not great with writing, I have my newsletter done by my website provider and I am just not sure if they type of articles included in my newsletter are what should be there, I am a novice at this and maybe my feeling on this is incorrect and that is why I am asking here
Now I sell medicare But my newsletter this month includes articles like Tips for preparing for a flood (that talks a little about flood ins) sprin
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