OK, I've scrubbed through this site hoping to find the answer to this question and am coming up empty handed wherever I go. Hopefully there the community can help to find the answer to this riddle.
I know all about the 3 rating types for pricing a supplement policy (attained, issue and community) and am aware that this info can be found by contacting the carrier but what about rate increases that occur AFTER the policy is issued and they happen at a much greater rate than average. I see this happening day in and day out where I'll speak with a client with a supplement that costs 3x the ma
Source of insurance-forums.net
I know all about the 3 rating types for pricing a supplement policy (attained, issue and community) and am aware that this info can be found by contacting the carrier but what about rate increases that occur AFTER the policy is issued and they happen at a much greater rate than average. I see this happening day in and day out where I'll speak with a client with a supplement that costs 3x the ma
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