My Final System Change For 2017 . . .

I have to change in 2017 if I want to Thrive & Survive . . .

[COLOR="DarkRed"]1) No Recruiting Insurance Agents . . .

2) Create My Own Leads . . .

3) Write $2k AP Every Week starting 2 / 1 . . . $4k AP Every Week starting 8 / 1 . . .

4) Life = Market SIWL, GI and Term Products Only . . .

5) Health = Market Med Sups and MA's if the opportunity presents itself . . .

6) Individual & Small Businesses Markets . . .

7) Qualify for the Settlers Biltmore Challenge and Qualify this year for 2 Carrier Trips in 2018 . . .

8) If I mention personally recruiting Insurance Ag
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