Made Mistake of Calling MP on 12/15...

Called the MP on 12/15 to see if there was a message on deadline extension.

Since then I have received a phone call/voicemail every day. The message says you can call back and mention this message and someone at the MP will help you get a 1/1 effective date. Voicemail attached for your listening pleasure. It plays about 4 seconds after start.

Wait...I thought the deadline was 12/19. Also attached is a screen shot of the phone calls.

The problem is there is no way to opt out of the calls. It just says ignore this call if you have already enrolled. I guess I get to enjoy a

Attached Images
File Type: jpg MP recent calls.jpg (381.8 KB)
Attached Files
File Type: mp3 marketplace voicemail.mp3 (714.3 KB)
Content of
