I have been told that my auto policy and associated umbrella policy are not going to be renewed due to too many claims on my insurance. My policy covers myself, my wife and my 2 children (One 22 and other 18).
My 22 year old has been diagnosed with epilepsy however it is considered under control because she has been seizure free for the last 6 months per the state of Georgia and is on anti-seizure medicine. She has not driven for a year and 1/2 but I continued to pay the auto policy premiums as though she was. Neither the DMV or current insurance policy know about this medical c
Source of insurance-forums.net
I have been told that my auto policy and associated umbrella policy are not going to be renewed due to too many claims on my insurance. My policy covers myself, my wife and my 2 children (One 22 and other 18).
My 22 year old has been diagnosed with epilepsy however it is considered under control because she has been seizure free for the last 6 months per the state of Georgia and is on anti-seizure medicine. She has not driven for a year and 1/2 but I continued to pay the auto policy premiums as though she was. Neither the DMV or current insurance policy know about this medical c
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