Who Has the Biggest.............APTC

Contest time. Who has the biggest...........................aptc?

Today, on ONLY two clients in AZ, I handed out $55,000:

Client #1 - family of 3 (61/61/22) making $32,000
APTC = $2500/mo or $30,000 per year. (who can beat this number?)
Final price = $133 for rich 87% CSR
Last year, same income = aptc of $10,500 and final price of $475/mo

Client #2 - 64 and 64, making $38k, subsidy $2379/mo or $25,000. Final price $251. Last year $500/mo aptc, and final cost $800/mo.

Might as well just give tax credits away that match your income.
China is pi
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