I have a prior book of business in DME and most folks, by far, have BC/BS Plan F. With the local press writing about the whole Plan F issue for 2020, some well read seniors are looking to switch (I would recommend Plan G).
Short of switching everyone to BC/BS Plan G, is anyone aware of an Illinois carrier that is cheaper and has underwriting (as much as realistic) favorable to diabetics? I have clients on oral meds and some on insulin.
This is a tall order but would appreciate any insights you may have. :idea: Thank you
Source of insurance-forums.net
Short of switching everyone to BC/BS Plan G, is anyone aware of an Illinois carrier that is cheaper and has underwriting (as much as realistic) favorable to diabetics? I have clients on oral meds and some on insulin.
This is a tall order but would appreciate any insights you may have. :idea: Thank you
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