The wicked witch of the west is going down. The FBI has just reopened the email scandal against Crooked Hillary Clinton. May she rest in piece.
It reminds me of a story about Slick Willy when he was in the white house. The story has it that Bill was out running laps on the track he had installed on the white house lawn so he could run more frequently. He was getting quite large and was told by his DR's he needed to get into better shape.
It had just snowed 3 inches of white fluffy powder and Bill came to a place on the track where someone had urinated. He stopped and noticed it clearly s
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It reminds me of a story about Slick Willy when he was in the white house. The story has it that Bill was out running laps on the track he had installed on the white house lawn so he could run more frequently. He was getting quite large and was told by his DR's he needed to get into better shape.
It had just snowed 3 inches of white fluffy powder and Bill came to a place on the track where someone had urinated. He stopped and noticed it clearly s
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