In an effort to bring this forum into the 21st century and not mimic late 90's chat boards, let's spice this place up a bit and throw the emoticons aside. I know sometimes teaching FE guys new tricks can be hard but I know it can be done.

step one you need to know the format of inserting a gif which is
[img] [/img]
step two- finding a gif. There are many websites to use but for the sake of simplicity use google and google whatever you are trying to convey + gif. For example, I will google "haha gif" or "laughin
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step one you need to know the format of inserting a gif which is
[img] [/img]
step two- finding a gif. There are many websites to use but for the sake of simplicity use google and google whatever you are trying to convey + gif. For example, I will google "haha gif" or "laughin
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