I am at the end of working an area in Michigan that I have worked for the past 14 months. I am waiting for my new leads to come in in the Grand Rapids area, as I feel it is time to make a change. I have been working the same dm leads for the past six months with a few new stragglers coming in but very few maybe 2 to 3 a week. Most of them will never answer the phone and I am bad at doing drive buys as I just don't like doing them.
Wed I had 2 appoints that were both iffy at best. One stood me up the other was on her way out the door to Mississippi for a funeral and had no time. I spent t
Source of insurance-forums.net
Wed I had 2 appoints that were both iffy at best. One stood me up the other was on her way out the door to Mississippi for a funeral and had no time. I spent t
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