Hello Everyone,
Looking for some advice. I've been in the industry a about a year and a half and started in L&H, which obviously didn't go so well. Someone sold me a bill of goods that I bought hook line and sinker. After an eye opening year, I decided to get my P&C. I signed on with a niche P&C company that allows me to sell outside of their market as long as I don't sell out of my home office where I work now.
I am looking to work for someone and learn the business more, for an IA owner who doesn't have an exit/succession strategy in place. I'm really hoping to do more commercial but rea
Source of insurance-forums.net
Looking for some advice. I've been in the industry a about a year and a half and started in L&H, which obviously didn't go so well. Someone sold me a bill of goods that I bought hook line and sinker. After an eye opening year, I decided to get my P&C. I signed on with a niche P&C company that allows me to sell outside of their market as long as I don't sell out of my home office where I work now.
I am looking to work for someone and learn the business more, for an IA owner who doesn't have an exit/succession strategy in place. I'm really hoping to do more commercial but rea
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