I'm a life guy and have 2-20 license for 5 yrs and never used it.1 week personal lines class for $1095 via hartford looks good. Any feedback?
Before I spend that money is there a book or even someone's old study guide available? most of the books available are licensing books and I'm looking for a book that explains the primary sales flow from receipt of a declaration page (to quote to end) . brand new to the p&c side so i'm looking to shorten the learning curve.thanks for constructive feedback
Source of insurance-forums.net
Before I spend that money is there a book or even someone's old study guide available? most of the books available are licensing books and I'm looking for a book that explains the primary sales flow from receipt of a declaration page (to quote to end) . brand new to the p&c side so i'm looking to shorten the learning curve.thanks for constructive feedback
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