I could us some help from anyone that has worked
with a Mutual carrier to help me understand how
PUA dump in works.
I am looking at an illustration where the total dump-in amount
is 91,500 and the premium is 8500.
The 8500 buys 25,000 on a 45 male.
The dump in brings the total face to 317,000.
Does the insured have to pay the 8500 premium each year?
It didn't show any more premiums going in.
The first year cash value was 96,500
The tenth year was 129,000
All these numbers come from the guarantee column.
The project is more.
Other info on illustration Div option-PUA
Source of insurance-forums.net
with a Mutual carrier to help me understand how
PUA dump in works.
I am looking at an illustration where the total dump-in amount
is 91,500 and the premium is 8500.
The 8500 buys 25,000 on a 45 male.
The dump in brings the total face to 317,000.
Does the insured have to pay the 8500 premium each year?
It didn't show any more premiums going in.
The first year cash value was 96,500
The tenth year was 129,000
All these numbers come from the guarantee column.
The project is more.
Other info on illustration Div option-PUA
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