Household rating can seem annoying. Why should your auto insurance premiums be affected by the driving history of a roommate or girlfriend/boyfriend living with you that has their own car insurance?
Household rating is really only done by premium auto insurance carriers which means that if the other person has a good record or at least a decent record you are going to get a very competitive premium on your insurance.
So basically even though household rating can seem like a nuisance the end result can mean lower premiums, but then the opposite is true as well. If your roommate has a bad
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Household rating is really only done by premium auto insurance carriers which means that if the other person has a good record or at least a decent record you are going to get a very competitive premium on your insurance.
So basically even though household rating can seem like a nuisance the end result can mean lower premiums, but then the opposite is true as well. If your roommate has a bad
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