Hello all,
It was really difficult finding any info on my issue on the internet. I stumbled on this forum and was hoping someone could help me or point me in the right direction (not sure if this was the right thread?)
I had to submit income verification (which I did) to the obamacare marketplace. A $1000+ premium was withdrawn when it is normally $100+. Marketplace rep said there must have been something wrong with the income proof.
Am I out of luck in getting my money back? Losing $1000 really hurts =(
Thank you in advance for your help!
Source of insurance-forums.net
It was really difficult finding any info on my issue on the internet. I stumbled on this forum and was hoping someone could help me or point me in the right direction (not sure if this was the right thread?)
I had to submit income verification (which I did) to the obamacare marketplace. A $1000+ premium was withdrawn when it is normally $100+. Marketplace rep said there must have been something wrong with the income proof.
Am I out of luck in getting my money back? Losing $1000 really hurts =(
Thank you in advance for your help!
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