I have a 58 y/o Female look for FE, there are 2 things that about her that are throwing a wrench in the mix for me:
1) Anxiety, she takes Klonpin. I know with Foresters for example, Axniety isn't a big deal, Alprozolam is level, but Klonopin isn't on their med list.
2) She may be diagnose with MS or Parkinsons soon. She is currently going under testing to find out what is wrong with her.
Because she aint officially diagnosed, can I still place her as a level? Or does she have to disclose that doctors suspect possible MS or Parkinsons?
Source of insurance-forums.net
1) Anxiety, she takes Klonpin. I know with Foresters for example, Axniety isn't a big deal, Alprozolam is level, but Klonopin isn't on their med list.
2) She may be diagnose with MS or Parkinsons soon. She is currently going under testing to find out what is wrong with her.
Because she aint officially diagnosed, can I still place her as a level? Or does she have to disclose that doctors suspect possible MS or Parkinsons?
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