used to be contracted with these guys up to 2013 and was inclined to again because of their term and under age 50 FE
These carriers don't make it easy to contract with their refusal to even let you look at their application ( they tell me its changed) and rates----------don't care to contract in the blind and would be inclined to elsewhere because of their refusal but guessing they all are secretive about their product till on board
if anyone has the new application and would be willing to email me would appreciates it-----in Ga. They told me their rates haven't changed but thought I sa
Source of
These carriers don't make it easy to contract with their refusal to even let you look at their application ( they tell me its changed) and rates----------don't care to contract in the blind and would be inclined to elsewhere because of their refusal but guessing they all are secretive about their product till on board
if anyone has the new application and would be willing to email me would appreciates it-----in Ga. They told me their rates haven't changed but thought I sa
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