I am a three month newb in the field and Florida is a tough market to crack. I'm breaking through but barely. Any recommendations on how to approach, what your attire is, and if you use hotknocks( door knocking), direct mail... I won't go with tele-leads so we can drop that discussion!
Some days I feel over dressed some I feel under. I am a 26 year old female so typically I'm in slacks and a company button up, other times a polo and nice pair of jeans? Opinions?
And with the saturated market any tips would be great on approach or even if you'd be kind to share your "schpeal" I'll be happ
Source of insurance-forums.net
Some days I feel over dressed some I feel under. I am a 26 year old female so typically I'm in slacks and a company button up, other times a polo and nice pair of jeans? Opinions?
And with the saturated market any tips would be great on approach or even if you'd be kind to share your "schpeal" I'll be happ
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