Which Plan Should I Choose?

I recently joined a new company and they are giving me two options on health insurance to choose from.

1. Sharp HMO B Gold
PDF is here:
h t t p s ://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-4iO4mx1c6ZbTRhMjFBXzhWdDJXa29Cb1M0MTVDV2lOYTNB/view?usp=sharing

2. HealthNet Gold PPO A
PDF is here:
h t t p s://w w w http://.filepicker.io/api/file/miNZogFgRCqd9bAOZISN

I'm a 25 year old male, no health conditions, healthy weight and non smoker. I looked through both of them and can't really decide since this is the first time I'm choosing my own healthcare. The only thing I really need is dental an
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