Any recommendations for a Med Supp telemarketer to generate leads that are really interested in changing their Med Supp?
I tried a med supp TM last year, but the leads were not really interested in replacing their med supp.
The company I tried used overseas TMs with accents that were basically just trying to get through the script quickly and trying to get the prospect to answer their questions so they could generate a lead (the TM calls were recorded and provided with lead).
"Do you have a Medicare Supplement?" "Yes"...check
"How much are you currently paying?" "I don't know".
Source of
I tried a med supp TM last year, but the leads were not really interested in replacing their med supp.
The company I tried used overseas TMs with accents that were basically just trying to get through the script quickly and trying to get the prospect to answer their questions so they could generate a lead (the TM calls were recorded and provided with lead).
"Do you have a Medicare Supplement?" "Yes"...check
"How much are you currently paying?" "I don't know".
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