Any of you all use a credit cards reward program for your expenses?
I hadn't, but after adding up my expenses this year (especially w leads) I could have racked up some nice cc rewards (either cash or miles). Of course I only mention this being beneficial if you pay off your card in full each month.
So I googled to see the cards out there that might work and came across the term "travel-hacking". Apparently people spend a lot of time and research on this and change cards up to every few months. Just spoke to someone who took their family of five to Hawaii for free :idea:
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I hadn't, but after adding up my expenses this year (especially w leads) I could have racked up some nice cc rewards (either cash or miles). Of course I only mention this being beneficial if you pay off your card in full each month.
So I googled to see the cards out there that might work and came across the term "travel-hacking". Apparently people spend a lot of time and research on this and change cards up to every few months. Just spoke to someone who took their family of five to Hawaii for free :idea:
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