Hi, I was involved in a tear end collision at a red light where the other vehicle was found at fault, and police report states that. I sustained quite substantial damage and vehicle was declared a total loss by the other parties insurance. I am dealing with their insurance due to my vehicle only having liability at the time.
I have been on this since Oct. 16th when I got the first call stating it would be a total loss (accident happened 9/14) it was on a Friday and I was driving on a trip where I was proposing to my now fiancé so I told them I could not make the decision at that time, to w
Source of insurance-forums.net
I have been on this since Oct. 16th when I got the first call stating it would be a total loss (accident happened 9/14) it was on a Friday and I was driving on a trip where I was proposing to my now fiancé so I told them I could not make the decision at that time, to w
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