Hey, tried to sway a lead who's sister was recently selling the family on primerica to our side with no luck today. The upline had this lead sold on the idea that a...
10yr/15,000 term at 44/mo with $35 invested in funds was the way to go. Upline claimed this investment had a conservative 9% rate of return and would cover her FE.
I won my last primerica face off, but not this one. Told the lead to have her sisters upline sign a future illustration with 9% return, and stake his license on it if that was what was going to burry her.
We parted with me showing her competitve term, partic
Source of insurance-forums.net
10yr/15,000 term at 44/mo with $35 invested in funds was the way to go. Upline claimed this investment had a conservative 9% rate of return and would cover her FE.
I won my last primerica face off, but not this one. Told the lead to have her sisters upline sign a future illustration with 9% return, and stake his license on it if that was what was going to burry her.
We parted with me showing her competitve term, partic
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