I was in an accident on a highway. My car hit some debris on the road because of which two of my tires burst. Police filed the case and were able to track the debris to a pickup truck that gave me info of the truck and its insurance number that dropped the debris on the road.
I am student with an old 2000 Ford Focus and only have limited liability and the company said I need to call that truck's insurance company to file the claim. I did but they said the driver was excluded from the insurance policy so they wont be paying a cent for the damages.
Is there any chance I can fight for the damag
Source of insurance-forums.net
I am student with an old 2000 Ford Focus and only have limited liability and the company said I need to call that truck's insurance company to file the claim. I did but they said the driver was excluded from the insurance policy so they wont be paying a cent for the damages.
Is there any chance I can fight for the damag
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