Submitted joint app to Aetna a few days ago. Wife, T65, 10/1 eff date.
Husband 71, on MA, wants to change to Medigap.
Husband called today wanting to know where wifes policy was. She has doc appointment Monday.
No, I didn't say we wouldn't have this problem if you had let me take an application 2 weeks ago when we first talked. And no, I didn't remind him that he was going to get back to me last Friday with their decision.
But I digress.
Aetna did tel interview with husband yesterday. Called agent services. Was told she would be approved but they were holding it up until underwr
Source of
Husband 71, on MA, wants to change to Medigap.
Husband called today wanting to know where wifes policy was. She has doc appointment Monday.
No, I didn't say we wouldn't have this problem if you had let me take an application 2 weeks ago when we first talked. And no, I didn't remind him that he was going to get back to me last Friday with their decision.
But I digress.
Aetna did tel interview with husband yesterday. Called agent services. Was told she would be approved but they were holding it up until underwr
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