LeadsLite - Lead Management Has Been Customized to Integrate with Final Expense Lead from Burial Insurance Direct.

Hello All, We have a customized Lead Management Program for you.
Bob Baker, Matt Kuhn, Frank Bahr and some more agents are using our Leads Lite program..

Leads Lite - an easy Lead Management Program has been customized to integrate with Final Expense Lead from Burial Insurance Direct.
It extracts the leads from email, notify you, send auto res-ponder to the lead and make it ready to call you.
Leads Lite is also integrated with Google Calendar and Google Map. Get started now at a price of $12 per user per month.

Visit us at leadslite dot com and register online. It is ready to go and you can

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Leads.jpg (110.9 KB)
Source of insurance-forums.net
