Hi all! It's been AGES since I've been on the site! But I have a question I think can be best answered here....
I have two ladies, both 67, who were recently (like maybe three weeks ago) laid off from their job (they work at the same company). They have Part A, but had not enrolled in Part B.
Their work coverage ends September 30 and they are both scrambling to get their part B coverage started. They were told by Medicare they have to have this certain form filled out and signed by an official party (their previous job) and then sent to Medicare before they can enroll in B. Both h
Source of insurance-forums.net
I have two ladies, both 67, who were recently (like maybe three weeks ago) laid off from their job (they work at the same company). They have Part A, but had not enrolled in Part B.
Their work coverage ends September 30 and they are both scrambling to get their part B coverage started. They were told by Medicare they have to have this certain form filled out and signed by an official party (their previous job) and then sent to Medicare before they can enroll in B. Both h
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