I've sold Senior insurance (Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage and PDP)
through and upline for 3 years. I have decided to go out on my own but I've approached the GA's my Upline uses and they won't have anything to do with me because of their relationship with my ex-Upline. While I admire their loyalty this kind of puts me in a bind. I'm a sole independent agent working from home and want to stay that way. I need access to Cigna Arlic, GPM and BCBS for Med Supp. I have a resource for the others. I also would like a resource for PDP and MA with Humana, Aetna Coventry and
Source of insurance-forums.net
I've sold Senior insurance (Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage and PDP)
through and upline for 3 years. I have decided to go out on my own but I've approached the GA's my Upline uses and they won't have anything to do with me because of their relationship with my ex-Upline. While I admire their loyalty this kind of puts me in a bind. I'm a sole independent agent working from home and want to stay that way. I need access to Cigna Arlic, GPM and BCBS for Med Supp. I have a resource for the others. I also would like a resource for PDP and MA with Humana, Aetna Coventry and
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