I am 75 years old and have been driving over 55 years with no claims against me. (no DUI or tickets) I have been hit twice in the rear because I choose to stop at stop signs, not just slow down, yeild or proceed with caution,
BUT STOP!!!!!The first 30 years my employers paid for my insurance, the last 25 years my wife of 56 years has paid (she passed away last month). I can not find a company for less than $60 per month (which I can not afford) Can some one help me?
"area code 34208"
Source of insurance-forums.net
BUT STOP!!!!!The first 30 years my employers paid for my insurance, the last 25 years my wife of 56 years has paid (she passed away last month). I can not find a company for less than $60 per month (which I can not afford) Can some one help me?
"area code 34208"
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