Glenn Neashams Full Story.I was the agent arrested,tried,convicted,then exonerated for selling an annuity.
Here is my story for everyone to hear and judge for themselves. This is what really happened to me, my family, and businesses. I've removed the last names. This was a hard letter to write. It took about five years to finally do it. It was written to the person who started my "downfall". There are two comments I've added to end of letter I wish were included in original letter.
Dear, 6-20-2015
Im writing today because Im the insurance agent who was arrested, tried, convicted, then exonerated for a crime that wasnt even a crime. I wrote this letter to the woman who contributed to our do
Source of
Dear, 6-20-2015
Im writing today because Im the insurance agent who was arrested, tried, convicted, then exonerated for a crime that wasnt even a crime. I wrote this letter to the woman who contributed to our do
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