Im from Washington state. I was in a small car accident with no injuries a month ago, there were no injuries, only small damages to the my car and the other person's car. the day of the accident, I didn't have car insurance. The police showed up and I was given a $550 ticket for not having insurance. Now yesterday I received an email from the other guy insurance company telling me that I have to pay them $660 for the damages to his car. they say that they have been contacting me and that email is their last attempt before sending the case to a collections agency or to a judge. Which is
Source of insurance-forums.net
Im from Washington state. I was in a small car accident with no injuries a month ago, there were no injuries, only small damages to the my car and the other person's car. the day of the accident, I didn't have car insurance. The police showed up and I was given a $550 ticket for not having insurance. Now yesterday I received an email from the other guy insurance company telling me that I have to pay them $660 for the damages to his car. they say that they have been contacting me and that email is their last attempt before sending the case to a collections agency or to a judge. Which is
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