Every once in awhile I will have a client flat out refuse a PDP plan. Even after explaining penalties they just don't want it. Fine. I warned you.
Today, I get an SS statement in my email from a client that refused Part D. It shows $70 in IRMAA for PDP. I don't think I've seen this before. He's paying IRMAA for a PDP that he didn't get. Is there recourse? Or is he stuck paying because his B is higher as well?
I would just like a few more normal cases. . .
Source of insurance-forums.net
Today, I get an SS statement in my email from a client that refused Part D. It shows $70 in IRMAA for PDP. I don't think I've seen this before. He's paying IRMAA for a PDP that he didn't get. Is there recourse? Or is he stuck paying because his B is higher as well?
I would just like a few more normal cases. . .
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