I have a guy that keeps calling me on the phone trying to recruit me to sell United Health Care (AARP) med supp and MA plans. He's really pushing the MA plans through UHC.
He's also offering Equitable - Med supp Commission Rates 18% 5% 2% (Is this competitive?)
What are good commission rates for MA?
I should mention that I do mostly final expense life, and that is my bread and butter. However, I wouldn't mind picking up a few people here and there for MA if it's a good fit. But I don't want to become distracted away from FE doing this. Is UHC worth picking up, or are they run of the m
Source of insurance-forums.net
He's also offering Equitable - Med supp Commission Rates 18% 5% 2% (Is this competitive?)
What are good commission rates for MA?
I should mention that I do mostly final expense life, and that is my bread and butter. However, I wouldn't mind picking up a few people here and there for MA if it's a good fit. But I don't want to become distracted away from FE doing this. Is UHC worth picking up, or are they run of the m
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