Hello everyone,
I'm new in IF and I couldn't be happier finding this place. I am in Life Insurance business for an year and half. So far I've been looking for info in Bulgarian/books/audio/video etc. I found almost nothing till I search in English - tones and tones of information. It was hard for me to filter the good staff.... and here I am.
Want to tell you that I am in perfect geo-political situation. Bulgaria (as part of ex Soviet Union (non officially)) is a country where everyone believes that the government will take care of all their needs... medical, health and retire planning on
Content of insurance-forums.net
I'm new in IF and I couldn't be happier finding this place. I am in Life Insurance business for an year and half. So far I've been looking for info in Bulgarian/books/audio/video etc. I found almost nothing till I search in English - tones and tones of information. It was hard for me to filter the good staff.... and here I am.
Want to tell you that I am in perfect geo-political situation. Bulgaria (as part of ex Soviet Union (non officially)) is a country where everyone believes that the government will take care of all their needs... medical, health and retire planning on
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