Well I've done my digging on a few different "Insurance Brokers" and I've decided to go full independent at this point. I've contacted a few carriers about selling their products and they haven't gotten back to me. I'm licensed for life and health and I want my focus to mainly be on life and disability.
Does anyone know of any carriers with good products, that will work with independents? If you get some referral bonus off of me, that's cool, I get it. I'm experienced in mailing campaigns as a lawyer (still am one, was looking to add some supplemental income and turn it into something my f
Content of insurance-forums.net
Does anyone know of any carriers with good products, that will work with independents? If you get some referral bonus off of me, that's cool, I get it. I'm experienced in mailing campaigns as a lawyer (still am one, was looking to add some supplemental income and turn it into something my f
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