I just went round and round with a third party certificate management company. I kept getting a response from them that said The General Aggregate Limit must apply on a Per: Project/Location basis. Hm? It exists and I had already sent a copy of the Endorsement so just in case they didn't receive the copy of the Endorsement...I set it again.
I kept sending them a copy of the endorsement and I would get another e-mail stating "The General Aggregate Limit must apply on a Per: Project/Location basis". What the heck! Finally I get a call from the cert management company and what they said was th
Source of insurance-forums.net
I kept sending them a copy of the endorsement and I would get another e-mail stating "The General Aggregate Limit must apply on a Per: Project/Location basis". What the heck! Finally I get a call from the cert management company and what they said was th
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