Ok long story short, I got into an accident. My name was not listed under the insurance under my dad's policy and i live with him so the insurance company penalized us to pay for the last three years. I'm 21 now and have been driving for 3.2 years.
So after all the headache and getting the car fixed, insurance company made my dad sign the exclusion form for me. When my dad tried to enroll me into the policy since it would be only $1000 more a year instead of me paying 4 times that if i were to get an insurance solely under my name. But the insurance rejected it.
fyi car is toyota camry
Source of insurance-forums.net
So after all the headache and getting the car fixed, insurance company made my dad sign the exclusion form for me. When my dad tried to enroll me into the policy since it would be only $1000 more a year instead of me paying 4 times that if i were to get an insurance solely under my name. But the insurance rejected it.
fyi car is toyota camry
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