I was in an accident in whic a driver ran a stop sign and hit my harley with me on it. I had multiple injuries. 6 broken ribs, busted jaw, teeth knocked out, broken collar bone, my ankle and wrist broken, hip fracture. Was in the hospital for 9 weeks. Progressive insurance is the other parties insurance and they are being unreasonable. Offering me only $2,000 pain and suffering.
I'm afraid the person driving car is under insured but Progressive won't confirm or deny that.
Am I allowed to contact the person driving the car and ask him myself how much insurance he has? His phone number is on
I'm afraid the person driving car is under insured but Progressive won't confirm or deny that.
Am I allowed to contact the person driving the car and ask him myself how much insurance he has? His phone number is on
Source of insurance-forums.net
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