I was in a class the other day and the instructor said that "all" G.L policies excludes this coverage. I can't remember seeing one that didn't exclude it but the word "all" seems pretty broad. Do you know of any carriers that don't exclude this coverage.
As someone who's BOB is probablyl 90% contractors, this is a huge selling point as most agents don't even know anything about it, and most contractors don't have the coverage. The majority of contractors just assume that they have coverage for something that belongs to others that is in their possession, or control, under their Bodily Injur
As someone who's BOB is probablyl 90% contractors, this is a huge selling point as most agents don't even know anything about it, and most contractors don't have the coverage. The majority of contractors just assume that they have coverage for something that belongs to others that is in their possession, or control, under their Bodily Injur
Source of insurance-forums.net
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